AQAR 2021-22 Criteria Metrics

AQAR 2021-22 Documents 


Particular Metric
1   EffectiveCurricularDelivery  1.1.1
2 Academic Calendar 2021-22 1.1.2
3 Slow and advanced learners 2.2.1
4 Tour Report 2.3.1
5 Use of ICT 2.3.2
6 CIE Summary report 2.5.1
7 Mechansm Internal Exam 2.5.2
8 PO, PSO, CO. 2.6.1
9 Student's Project 2.6.2
10 College Result 2.6.3
11 Lead College Scheme 3.1.2
12 Extension Activities 3.3.1
13 Infrastructure and Physical Facilities 4.1.1
14 Gymkhana Department 4.1.2
15 ICT-enabled facilities 4.1.3
16 Library ILMS 4.2.1
17 IT Facilities 4.3.1
18 Policy regarding Purchase, Utilization, Maintenance 4.4.2 
19 Elocution Competition 5.1.3
20 IQAC Committee 5.3.2
21 Alumni Association


22 Decentralization and effective management 6.1.2
23 Institutional Perspective Plan 6.2.1
24 Ornogram of organization structure of college 6.2.2
25 Ornogram of institute 6.2.2
26 Welfare measures for staff. 6.3.1
27 Performance appraisal system for staff. 6.3.5
28 Internal and external financial audit. 6.4.1
29 Institutional strategies for mobilization of funds. 6.4.3
30 IQAC's significant  contribution  6.5.1
31 Rewies of teaching learning process. 6.5.2
32 IQAC Meeting minutes & ATR. 6.5.3
33 Annual Plann for gender sensitization 7.1.1
34 Safety and security




35 Solid Waste Management 7.1.3
36 Academic Calendar AC 2021-22
37 AQAR 2020-21 AQAR 20-21
38 Best Practices 2021-22 Link
39 Feedback all feedback
40 Student Satisfaction Survey(SSS) SSS Link